Golf Course Maintenace Equipment Operater

Boca Raton, FL

I.          Position

Golf Course Maintenance and equipment operator


II.        Job Summary (Essential Functions)

Operate and care for course maintenance equipment. Maintain golf course and landscaping around the course, clubhouse and other club facilities, including parking lots.


III.       Job Tasks (Additional Responsibilities)

  • Safely operates equipment such as mowers, tractors, loaders used for various course     maintenance needs.
  • Inspects machinery before and after each use.
  • Returns and plugs in equipment to the designated location at the maintenance facility.
  • Makes necessary minor adjustments to equipment.
  • Loads and unloads materials.
  • Trims trees and removes cuttings.
  • Waters plants.
  • Mows fairways, roughs, grass, weeds and bushes.
  • Rakes and blows leaves.
  • Attends staff meetings.
  • Maintains landscape beds around clubhouse and club grounds.
  • Prepares and lays sod.
  • Rakes bunkers.
  • Repairs and maintains driving range tees.
  • Operates walk-behind equipment.
  • Aerifies and spikes greens.
  • Empties garbage cans.
  • Performs other appropriate tasks assigned by the golf course superintendent.

2.               Refills fuel and oil daily; cleans equipment daily; and reports equipment problems or failures to Equipment Manager immediately.


IV.       Reports to

Director of Golf Course Operations and Assistant Golf Course Superintendent.


V.        Supervises

No supervisory duties are included in this position.

JOB CODE: 45110